About Us / FAQ



Positive Rain is the world's first social platform dedicated to engage positivity with job opportunity.
Our Mission is to help people do jobs well with Advocacy.
Our Vision is for you to leave the past behind and start new, to take your potential and spotlight it for a job.
The Positive Rain team is a collection of technologists, futurists and Human Resource experts, striving to make the connections between talent and opportunity stronger and better.



We are surrounded by people who guide us and from whom we learn. Sometimes we ask their advice but end up losing touch...
We believe these people, our Advocates, understand us, sometimes, better than we understand ourselves.
These Advocates now have an opportunity to vouch for us in the moment, on their convenient schedule and terms.



We care about our community. We believe that, together, we can positively affect our future and set a solid trajectory for our children. We've decided to focus on jobs. If we concentrate our skill on these objectives, we believe our platform will contribute to the betterment of society.



This list will grow over time. If you have any questions, please email them to talentsuccess@PositiveRain.com.


Why is this valuable to me as a Job Seeker?

As an applicant, you control whether the testimonials are active for viewing. The advantage for you is to have your soon-to-be supervisor, looking at a likely peer of theirs explaining why you'll succeed in the job, up front. This will help distinguish you as a professional.


Is there a script or set of questions that an advocate should address for the candidate?

The questions are shown to you just after you complete your profile.